Give us the OLYMPICS next time!!

On CWG and how corruption goes with everything in India-
"We are a curious nation. For nine months we pray for the monsoon, and the moment our prayers are answered, we have no idea what to do. It is as if the showers came once a century rather than once a year.
You don’t need to summon Agatha Christie to solve the plot. Most of our roads are constructed for annual destruction, since there is more money to be made in rebuilding than in building. Governments are not merely hand-in-glove with contractors; they are hand-in-pocket. Shared loot is safe loot.
What does the System do when it does not have an answer? It changes the question.
Witness how the rage against corruption in CWG has been manoeuvred into a debate on whether they can be held successfully. Who was responsible for this delay in the first place? Even this question has been diverted.
We do not know if any race in CWG will see a nail-biting finish, but certainly the preparation has acquired a nail-biting dénouement"-M J AKBAR,Sunday Guardian.

Everyone knows what part corruption plays in our day to day life as a nation,anything I write would be just under-emphasising.
Foreigners ask "How come your Hotels are so good when your roads are so pot-holed?"-simple enough-roads construction involve politicians while (most) hotels dont,so a road has to break down so that money can be made again next year.

And God,the amount of money they have made over the CWG,can make the mouths of even the greatest critics,go watery.

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