Life gOes oN!!

The ability to think has been the greatest gift bestowed upon us by G__ or"whoever it is"-this I sincerely believed.I also read somewhere that it was the way of the universe through which it tries and tends to understand itself.Nice na?
Life gives one or two jerks,we are thrown out of the “way”and all these thoughts disappear into nowhere.Restlessness sweeps in.This is also the time when we start to know insomnia in somewhat greater depth.
One thought leading to next.
I imagine it like a large bell inside a reverberating chamber(that is my head),where my thoughts are both:the sound that the bell produces and the also the hammer that hits the bell to produce the sound in the first place.This way the clamour just keeps getter louder and louder inside the head.It dares to crack your skull out-and it cant come out.The outside is too vehement already and there is no chance of a resonance between the two.Even then so many of us manage to retain  our sanity somehow, is an amazing feat in itself,I think.
The actions that we take are nothing but the worldy form of our thoughts,and our actions determine the quality of life we live,which in turn influences our thoughts.A vicious cycle indeed.

Getting a grip seems almost impossible as your mind is too busy then playing host to your past’s  "should have's-shouldnt have's"and projections of how nice it would be if this and that happens.Always thinking of the past ,planning for the future ,never bothering for the present.
Then someday somehow you pull yourself together to  escape this maze.It seems only a matter of time when you are lured in again as mind we are not seperate from this gift called “mind”. Thence


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