“Midnight” CrUnKiNess


uh…em…actually cant make up my mind about wat to put up.I dont actually recall the pretext that made me sit and punch the keys last time.

hav been thru a bad(read worst) patch of my life,and ever since...cudnt think of nything worth writing..or the worth of writing altogether,for that matter.

often wonder wats the use of doing this and doing that in life..concluding many a times :wat is valued is not valuable,and wat is valuable is not valued in this world,baffling myself with questions about the wastefulness of things we aspire for and in the wake of which overlook(deliberately,more often than not) and lose sight of things that matter the most.And so on ..and on..how cud hav i generated sumthin readable then.

But screw “readable”,this is my space at the end, and I post wats in my “mind”(which am sure is not much blog-gy at the moment).And also confusing and befuddling is the new whiz.

This is the junction of life at which we start to accept a few things,having already abandoned the path we hoped we would take one day.By this time some of us (include me for sure)are full of new qualities : lack of courage,confidence,fear of failure,desire to fit in and the like;we just flow(submerged),unable to breathe.

thats all for today,Good Night me.

P.S:cudnt even find a fitting image,and I recently saw this movie,so.


Unknown said...

passage pretty much shows the confused state of mind we share
screw readable keep blabbering its ur space \m/

AMIT.....always a tyro said...
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