
Went to the clinic at 6 am.No one was to be found there,not even the attendents,who arrived no sooner than 7,with the even-if-you-die-i-am-not-responsible document to shrug the doctor off of any ungodly outcome that may befall the operation, got it signed by my dad,and 2 witnesses.




Then I was “ushered” in the operation theatre at abt 7.05 and made to lie down on a bed that was hardly wide enough to accomodate even an average person:


As it was the first time for me in an O.T,i was anxiously n curiously noting the proceedings like how B.P.,pulse,etc are monitored with the engineered medical tools. Was administered anaesthesia at 7.50 ,and i started to grasp the idea of earth’s rotation at its inclined axis pretty quickly.i thot i wud now sink into oblivion any minute.But that was not to betide,and thus followed another dose ,that made me lose myself so quick i dont remember a moment past the point.

opps!battery is running low on the laptop,will have to complete this on later…

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